

Last weekend was the 7th annual Girl's Weekend with a group of fantastic people I've met throughout the years.  The basic premise is that a group of about 10 of us go somewhere we've never been.  We keep it on the cheap.  Previous destinations have included places like Minneapolis, Chicago and Memphis.  This year, we chose to go to exotic Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  It's a little tourist town of less than 3,000 people located about 4 hours South of Kansas City.  To sum it up, it was AWESOME.  We stayed in a "Cabin" that was a lot like one of the many Real World houses we've all seen. It was equipped with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a hot tub, and a fire pit.  It was also located at the top of what felt like the steepest, winding, gravel driveway I've ever seen.  The only real directions that were given to us was that it was exactly 1.4 miles south of the train station.  That should give you an idea of how hidden this place was.  I'm not even sure there was an address.  I believe that the heart racing and sweating that happened from driving up this driveway is what led to the biggest weight loss I've had thus far.  5.1 pounds in 5 days.  INSANO.

Okay, so back to the weekend:  Obviously in 3.5 days of fun, there are a lot of stories and a lot to tell.  I don't want to bore you with the details but here are some of the major highlights.

Thursday night:
We arrived at the cabin around 11:30pm and immediately ran around the giant cabin like kids in a candy store.  This was followed by changing into our swimsuits and taking a trip in what will forever be referred to as "The Hot Tub Time-Machine".  Good times.

We got up leisurely, ate brunch, showered, and then headed into downtown Eureka Springs.  We all sort of split up.  Some people wanted to check out the stores, others wanted to partake in the best Bloody Mary bar in Eureka Springs.  As you know, I can't really eat or drink so I just hung out with the people drinking because it always leads to funny conversation.  Afterwards, we set out to have an old time photo taken.  I've never been a huge fan of doing this, but for some reason, the girls I'm with think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  We dressed as pirates and wenches and took a photo aboard the "Sea Hag".  I always complain about doing this, but honestly, the results are pretty friggin hilarious.  Photo coming soon.  After this, we searched for a place to have dinner.  After that, we were walking by some voodoo place and SG declares "What the eff is an intuitive reading?" I had no idea, but for 30 bucks, I was about to find out.  The proprieters of the voodoo store shut the store down for us.  They let us bring in beer and sit around like storytime in kindergarten while the majority of us had readings.  I went first.  I thought the whole thing was kind of vague for me, but here's the gist:  I'll be rich, I'm going through something difficult but I'll make it.  Neat.  Everyone else's reading was EERILY accurate.  I mean, scary precise and accurate.  We spent the better part of 3-4 hours there and then headed to a bar known for having the largest dancefloor in Eureka Springs, as well as a bevy of hats that you could wear and a hula hoop contest.  Enter the debauchery.  SG promptly gets a guy who looks like Larry the Cable Guy to help her do a noodle bong.  Everyone else is dancing like maniacs. It was a really fantastic time.  I didn't even mind the fact that I couldn't partake in any adult beverages because honestly, it was pretty entertaining anyways.

Some people didn't get a chance to have their intuitive readings so a handful of us went back.  We rendezvoused back at the cabin so we could head to Beaver Dam Lake where we had rented a pontoon boat from 2-6.  The road there was winding and hilly, causing not one, but two of our girls to yack from motion sickness (or being hungover...who knows)  We spent the afternoon on the lake which was nice.  However, the lake was 55 degrees so only a couple crazies jumped in.  We got home and A and SG began to build a fire in the firepit.  That was better than TV to watch.  I hope I can get some pictures from KL to post eventually.  SG sang Kumbayah while carrying wood to the pit.  Hilarious.

We pretty much drove back as soon as we woke up. 

Overall, it was pretty awesome.  I can also cross Arkansas off the list of states I haven't been to.  Bonus!

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