
One Whole Month of Starvation.

And it wasn't even that bad, honestly.  I mean, it's not the easiest thing I've ever done...but it definitely was easier than I thought it would be.  I had my 4th weigh in last night.  I was down another 2.6 pounds this past week.  That brings the total to 16.5 pounds total...IN FOUR FRIGGIN WEEKS!  I hate to keep bringing up how long it took me on Weight Watchers but it's pretty astounding.  It took me a little over 6 months to lose that much before.  It's a pretty sweet feeling to have lost it in a sixth of the time.

I also had my full body scan to make sure that I'm losing it the right way.  They like to make sure that at least 75% of the weight you lost is from body fat, and not from muscle.  The weight I lost was 88% body fat.  I lost less than a pound and a half of muscle mass.  They said all that is great news and much better than expected.  Yay, me!

My clothes are starting to look to big for me, I can wear things that have an empire waist without worrying about whether or not people will think I'm pregnant...Overall, I feel good!

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