
Open mouth, insert foot.

One of my very first posts was something about "it's better to be pleasantly surprised than to be horribly disappointed"  Amen!  I'm not sure why I lost sight of that with my whole "Lose 2lbs a week" declaration. 

I've skipped updating ya'll on the last few weigh-ins.  This is mainly because I'm embarrassed. 

Week returning from Denver: Up 2.4lbs
Since we spent a lot of time at breweries or brewpubs, I didn't ingest my extra 8,000+ calories in spirits.  It was all in really awesome choices like carrot cake, or frozen pizza rolls & taquitos. (Thanks, A. Jill)

Week returning from NYC: Up 2.5lbs
An all you can eat Indian Buffet is just about the worst thing I could probably be part of.  Sadly, I went and it conquered.  The good news, I really really enjoyed every last bite of it.  The bad news, it'll probably take me weeks to undo the damage I did.

Awesome.  Clearly I suck at traveling...

Soooooo. Here's my new plan:

Step #1: Set more realistic goals
Step #2: Refocus
Step #3: Quit hating on myself (it only leads me to want to eat my body weight in cupcakes)

Fingers crossed until the next weigh in...

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