
Updates after a long hiatus...

I apologize for my lack of blogging as of late.  I wish I had some really great excuse, but the fact is, I was busy moving into our new house, and I have had a woeful lack of material to write about.  Instead of waiting for something epic to discuss, I've opted instead to give you a manic and detached update of random things that have happened in the last month or so.

Thing #1: I met my new niece, Ada.
I flew to NYC the week after returning from Mexico and met my BFF's new baby, Ada.  She is, of course, perfect in every way.  In the process, I taught my awesome godson, Dylan, how to say my name.  Okay, so it sounded a lot like Affie, but cut him a break: he's not even 2 yet.  Turns out, he actually remembers me and can point to a picture of me and say my name!  SUCCESS!!!  I got to see my bro and sis-in-law's new home, spend some time at my parent's in law, and meet up with an old coworker.  Not bad for a weekend.  The only downer was that there were a few people who I would have LOVED to have seen.  Sadly, it wasn't in the cards because there simply wasn't enough time and I'm an a-hole who didn't give them much notice.  By this, I mean that I sent a text when I landed at LGA.  I honestly had forgotten I was going to NYC in the process of closing on the house, going to Mexico, and packing up the apartment. 

Thing #2: Moving into our new home at record speeds.
Many people will tell you that I have a passion for decorating.  Many people will also tell you that I'm kind of a crazy person who likes to have pictures on the wall the day I move in because I want it to feel like home, and I want it NOW.  Yes, these things are all true.  This, however, was a lot of house, and it's hard to settle and make everything perfect so fast.  The thing that sped it all up (probably for the better) is that my brother and sister-in-law and my cousin (okay, Sudhir's cousin, but I stole her) were coming to visit 5 days after the move in day.  In that amount of time, we got all our funiture, appliances, the house painted, our kitchen backsplash replaced, all the pictures hung, all the knick knacks placed, and all the beds made.  I consider this a win.  At some point, when I remember to actually bring my camera home from work, I will take some after pics and post them.  I'm pretty happy with the way everything turned out.

Thing #3: Turning in the keys to the penthouse.
It may seem kind of trivial, but it was really sentimental to me.  That was a killer place.  It provided many a friend refuge from driving intoxicated.  It was a great central location, I could walk to work, and most importantly: It was our first place together in Kansas City.  *tear*

Thing #4: Our first Thanksgiving not traveling.
This was our first Thanksgiving not going to either NJ or MI for the holiday.  I thought it would be really sad and depressing, but honestly, it was kind of awesome not having to travel on the busiest travel days of the year.  We saved a ton of money that was put to good use (like buying a fridge) and we spent the holidays with great friends.  I kind of like this new tradition of doing our own thing for Thanksgiving.  We can have a big meal with family at a time that the airlines aren't trying price gouge us.  The good news is that both our families are coming to visit us next week... Score!

Thing #5: Chai got sick. Again.
It turns out that once a quarter, Chai is going to get sick and we're going to have to take him to the Animal ER. The good news is that our new house is really close to one.  Also good news, the cost was about 1/6th of what it usually was.  The bad news is that there are few sounds that are more haunting and terrible than your cat wailing as it receives an enema and IV.  Seriously, no wonder the kitty hates going in the car.  Everytime he does so, someone sticks a first up his bum.

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