
The Anniversary Edition:

In honor of our 4th Indian wedding anniversary, I thought it would be nice to do a post dedicated to Sudhir.  (He's the cute one on the left, btw)  I'm not an overly emotional or gushy kinda gal, but once a year, I like to make it abundantly clear just how lucky I feel to have him in my life.  So babe, here ya go: The top 25 reasons I love being married to you (in no particular order)

  1. You're tall, dark and handsome.  Awesome? Yes. The only reason?  Hellz no...there are 24 more to go.
  2. You are adorable while you sleep (even when you're wheezing like crazy because you won't listen to me and just take a claritin)
  3. You don't judge me when I eat an entire box of Weight Watchers Sundae Cones (or if you do, you hide it pretty well)
  4. You smell fantastic
  5. You understand that sometimes, when I've had a terrible day, I don't want to talk about it...even a little.  Instead, you try to cheer me up by recounting Chai's antics throughout the day.
  6. You loved me enough to leave the only place you knew for your whole life just to make me happy.  Not many people would leave the glitz and glamour of NYC for the midwest.  I appreciate you doing this every single day.
  7. You keep my feet warm when they're cold at night.
  8. You always tell me I'm crazy when I try something on and ask you if I look chubby.
  9. You didn't eat in front of me during my starvation diet because you thought it would make me cry.  You basically had sympathy anorexia.
  10. You humor my crazy OCD tendencies (i.e. symmetry, cleanliness, etc etc. etc.)
  11. You don't even get mad that I'm basically right all the time.  Okay, not all the time:  You were right.  You can only fit one king size blanket into our washer.
  12. You love Chai.
  13. You love my friends.
  14. You love my family.
  15. You're hilarious unintentionally.
  16. You're kindness exceeds any expectation I could have set.
  17. You're patient beyond belief (which is necessary to put up with me, ask MG)
  18. I get to claim all your awesome friends and family as my own now.
  19. You'll watch a Golden Girls marathon with me and not even complain.
  20. You're not mad that I pretended to like baseball while we were dating.
  21. You dislike nature and water almost as much as I do. 
  22. You make me the best breakfasts every day before work.  Seriously, those waffles are amazeballs.
  23. You love me more than ice cream (trust me people, that's serious.)
  24. You always try to make me take medicine when I'm not feeling good but then always end with "So you want to let your body's natural defenses fight it off?  Okay."
  25. You went with me at midnight  to see the Twilight Movies, even though you hate them, and you're pretty sure they stripped you of your man card for doing it.
Obviously this doesn't even scratch the surface, but this is what came out when I started typing, so I guess I'll just go with it.  Anyway, happy anniversary, babe!  Love ya! <3

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