
I want to quit the gym!!!

Unless you've been living under a large boulder for the last decade or so, chances are, you've probably seen this episode of Friends.  Chandler has been trying to quit the gym for months but the damn people at the fitness club sure don't make it easy, do they?  In an effort to help his buddy out, Ross tries to accompany Chandler to the gym and ensure that he's able to get out of his membership.  What ends up happening?  The lady with the barely there unitard tricks Ross into getting a membership too. 

I was pretty worried today when I went to the bariatric doctor.  I was fearful that something similar would happen to me.  The fact is, I needed to break up with my doctor.  Not because it hasn't worked or I'm giving up, by any means...  The truth is, it's just really flippin' expensive and with an extra car payment and closing on our house, we're trying to cut back.  I think the 800-1000 bucks I spend at the doctor would come in handy when we're settling into our new home, buying major appliances and a crapload of furniture. 

They took it pretty well.  Of course they tried to guilt me into coming still.  And, I'll be honest, I gave in.  What we landed on is that I'm going to do my thing and have a check-in in 6 weeks to see if I've lost, or gained, or stayed the same.  For that six weeks, I'm going to try something that I've tried TWICE already but with limited success.

That being said, I've decided that I'll rejoin Weight Watchers.  It didn't work that awesome for me the first or second time around because I had that pesky insulin resistance issue.  Now that I've lost over 40 pounds and my insulin is in check, it should work for me just like it would work for anyone else.  (Here's hoping anyway.  At least my fingers and toes are crossed...) $39.99 for the monthly pass seems like a pretty great bargain, and let's face it, after the anorexia with a prescription, WW is going to seem like a dream come true.  I'm hopeful that I'll make the right choices.  Lord knows I don't want the last 4 months of pain and suffering to be for nothing.

So, while I won't have updates regarding my starvation diet, I sure hope I have some fun milestones to share with ya'll regarding weight loss due to Weight Watchers.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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