
Kittens, Vampires, and Diets...

Yeah, there's no real theme to this post.  I have a lot of updates so please excuse my random and schizophrenic post.  Here are the updates:

Kona is still sick.  We've now sunk just about 200 bucks on this little guy in a little over a week!  He's still sneezing up a storm (leaving our belongings looking like they've been rained upon).  This is after two different types of antibiotics, a treatment for the Cat Herp, and 3 trips to the vet.  He also still has worms slowly making their exodus from his little kitten booty.  In yet another unexpected development, the vet hospital that did his neutering made a little mistake, leaving his man business not fully tucked in.  There's a bit of tissue that's hanging out and has become infected.  It's easy to tell where Kona has been, just follow the stains he's left all over the place of puss and blood. 

In a sentence, Sudhir said "Are there lemon laws on kitties???"  I love the little furball but DAMN!  Another surgery to remove the tissue, possibly putting him in a kitty chamber to be nebulized if the antiobiotics don't work, it's all WAY more than we signed up for.  I'm seriously contemplating returning him to the Independence Animal Shelter because we can't keep dropping money on this kitten.  I didn't sign up for a "fixer upper".

In other cat news, Kona has been dubbed the Outbreak Monkey of Kittens because he has gotten Chai sick.  Chai is sneezing, coughing, lethargic, and has had a fever for quite some time.  I love Kona, but I love Chai more.  (I know it's not PC to love one child than another, but this is a little different.)  To make things worse, Chai ate a crapload of Kona's kitten food.  This caused a trip to the Cat E.R. when Chai threw up like 15 times in 30 minutes and began crying out in pain.  $761 dollars later, he had a cat IV, bloodwork, an X-ray, and an enema.  Fantastic. 

For those of you keeping track at home, that's almost a whopping $1,000.00 on feline hospital bills (in a flippin WEEK!)  It's all more than I can take.

Those of you who know me, know that I have an unhealthy obession with the Twilight book series.  I've probably ready them all like 5 times at this point.  When I finished the series the first time, I was totally sad and felt like there was a hole in my life.  I was pretty stoked when they said they were making the books into movies.  That was, until, I actually SAW the first movie.  I think I apologized around 25 times during the course of the movie for making Sudhir go watch it with me.  Still, despite the absolute horrendous filmmaking, acting, and screenplay, I enjoyed it because it let me relive the saga.  New Moon came out and I was slightly less appalled by the acting and definitely impressed with some of the special effects.  However, the screenplay was certainly still sub-par. 

Last night, I went and saw the midnight showing of Eclipse.  Mind you, I went in with the absolute lowest of expectations.  I had read some of the IMBD reviews and it had gotten 3.3 stars out of 10 (never a good sign!)  I was really pleasantly surprised by this third movie.  I didn't snicker once at the cheese factor or the horrible acting.  I think the crew took some acting lessons.  Kristen Stewart wasn't nearly as annoying, I didn't think Robert Pattinson sounded like he had a speech impediment and looked constipated, and Taylor Lautner was endearing.  The special effects were awesome, and the screenplay (while inaccurate to the book at times) wasn't half bad either.  It made me have a little hope that Breaking Dawn isn't going to suck so bad.  Overall, I give it a 7 out of 10.

The running thing has definitely NOT countered the cheating thing.  I worked out every single day except three in the last two weeks and in those two weeks, I lost a combined total of 2.8lbs.  That's nothing to write home about, if you ask me.  I've vowed to try to be strict about it again.  I'm telling you though, it's super hard to be that nazi about it when you have guests over every single weekend.  No one wants to watch me eat string cheese and shakes for 4 days in a row, so we tend to go out to eat.  My total weight loss is at 31.5 lbs in 11 weeks.  It's not bad, but I was expecting a whole lot more.  I have my 3 month (PS, I can't even BELIEVE I've survived 3 months!!!) checkup with the doctor a week from today.  I'm planning on discussing what my actual goal is.  At this point, they still want me to lose another 45.5 lbs.  I think that's a bit excessive.  I didn't set out on this adventure to be a size 6.  I mostly wanted to get this insulin problem out of the way so I could break the vicious cycle of weight gain that was happening to me despite my best efforts to lose weight.  Once I get the insulin under control, I'll be like everyone else.  I can do Weight Watchers and actually make progress.  I'll obviously keep everyone posted.

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