
I'm a Medical Mystery.

I probably should have updated sooner that I do not have breast cancer.  I do not.  Yay me!  Turns out the mass is just a ridge of scar tissue that I never noticed before because there was a ton of fat it was hiding under.  With the weight loss (28 lbs in 8 weeks!) it became more noticable for me.  I left the mammogram and ultrasound festivities with a clean bill of health and still uncertain as to whether or not I'd have to have said mass removed.  As of now, I have an order to have a repeat ultrasound in 6 months.

In other medical news, I had an echocardiogram.  While I was there, the tech said that I seemed to have PVC (pre-ventricular-contraction) which is just a fancy shmancy way of saying an irregular heartbeat.  She said it was probably nothing.  My primary care physician called me to tell me that my echocardiogram was completely normal.  Thanks, that was helpful, lady.

In the meantime, I still feel like there's something wrong.  I don't know what it is, or why it hurts to sleep on my left side or lay on my back.  Not only that, but it's harder to breathe in general. 

With the whole starvation diet thing...I just hope the cure isn't worse than the disease.

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