
Snowpocalypse 2010 (AKA Snowmageddon 2010 or Snowicane 2010)

Life isn't fair.  I'm supposed to be on a plane right now.  A plane headed to NYC so I could celebrate a multitude of birthdays.  That of two of my best friends, my sister-in-law and my one and only godson's very first birthday.  Why am I not on a plane right now, you ask?  Because on the East Coast, they cancel flights when there's a slight breeze or someone violently sneezes nearby.

This is what my itinerary included for the weekend, had a snow storm NOT ruined my life:
  • Land at 11pm tonight, stay at my best friend's place and stay up till an unreasonable hour and wake up at the butt-crack of dawn when my adorable godson wakes up.
  • Go to lunch with my ex-CEO's father on Friday afternoon. He's basically my favorite guy over 65 on the planet and for some strange reason, he thinks I'm entertaining (or as he calls it, "odd") so he makes time for me whenever I'm in town.  When I left NYC, he gave me the gift of a 300BC Western Asiatic Copper Spear from his personal art collection with a note that said not to stab anyone with it.  How cool is he? 
  • Celebrate my awesome Sister-in-laws birthday at my husband's parents house on Friday night.  Birthday fiestas in Fair Lawn, NJ always include pizza slices the size of my head and carvel ice cream cake.  Who doesn't love that?
  • Meeting up with one of my other dearest friends from MI who was flying to NYC to celebrate her birthday
  • Mani/Pedis on Saturday, dinner with a gaggle of folks, and a joint birthday party for my sissy-in-law and dear friend from MI at one of the coolest places in NYC.  Yes, and we were getting bottle service.  For the top reasons that's cool, see this post...
  • My one and only godson's one and only very 1st birthday party. This one REALLY breaks my heart.  I was so sure I'd get to go and he'd start walking this weekend.  This is the reason I bought my ticket 3 months ago.  I'm hoping he holds off on walking till I get to see him in March.  How badass would that be?  I'm also hoping that he knows how to say my name by then...  I have high hopes for that kid :)
This is what I'll be doing instead:
  • Converting Oxygen to Carbon Dioxide.
  • Returning some boots that don't fit.
  • Laundry.
  • Cleaning.
Yeah, you'd be bitter if you were me too.  Stupid effing snow storm!!!  Grrrrrr!

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