
Arti Gras 2010: the final frontier...

Well, since half the people on my "Blogs You Should Read" list have blogged about it, I guess it's only fitting that I do too.  I think it's safe to say that when Arti Gras went out, it went out with a BANG!  20 of my friends, 1400 dollars and 5 liters of booze, a man that looked like Jesus with a polar bear shrug, some Belgian kissing bandits, I mean...this party had damn near EVERYTHING!

I gotta say, this was a FUN evening!  From the delicious dinner at Gordon Biersch to the Babycakes cupcakes, to the VIP style bar experience, I was pretty happy with the way the evening went down.  Since  SS and JE have covered the highlights, I'll try to fill you in on the other stuff.

First things first, I'm almost embarassed by how badly I underestimated the sheer volume of alcohol my friends/family can consume.  Angels Rock Bar requires a 2 bottle minimum for a table.  The cheapest bottle is about 2 Benjis.  I thought to myself, "Okay, 2 liters of alcohol and about 500 bucks divided by 15 people or so....that's not too bad." I was actually worried that we wouldn't be able to get through the 2 liters in the amount of time we had to drink it.  So much so, that I was upset when I saw people in my posse drinking beers that were clearly purchased at the bar.  Anyhoooo, turns out, not only did we finish 2 liters of booze in less than 1 hour, we then plowed through 3 more, plus a bottle of champagne.  I was impressed.

My friend, JE promised she'd act like a 21 yr old so that was cool.  I got to see her husband use her leg as a guitar, which pretty much made my night.  I also got to see her almost jump a girl (a la the dream sequence in Mean Girls).  SG did her usual thing of "being honest" which never fails to provide good stories for the day after. My cousin Avi somehow sliced his hand open and had blood all over his brand new white shirt from banana.  And this is the best part:  He had NO idea when/how that happened.  As a tip, dear readers, don't drink so much alcohol that you fail to notice a sharp searing pain, followed by an unreasonable amount of blood loss.  Just a thought.  After that, we almost got into a Jets vs. Sharks like rumble because some guy accidentally took (or purposefully stole) Avi's coat.  Good news though, Sid's cousin Shween is a lawyer so she used her SAT words to calm the police down. 

Flash forward to 3:30am, it turns out that everyone came back to our place for the after party.  Here's what I remember.  My cousin Roman helping me bandage Avi's bloody paw, Shween teaching a group of people how to do the "stanky leg", Sudhir acting the DJ and playing "Do the Stanky Leg" A LOT, and loudness.  I blew up all the air mattresses I own and made our living room look like a refugee camp.  We stayed up till the sun came up and overall, I'd say it was a sucess.  Sure, it had some rough patches...but overall, it was a ROCKIN' good time.


  1. Love this! I feel like we were in our early 20's prime:) at least we know we still got it!

  2. Holy cow, that is AMAZING! You are my birthday inspiration!!!!
