
Queen of Nothing.

I never really think too hard about high school these days.  It might be because it's been about 15 years since I was in the throes teenage angst at its finest.  Recently, I was at a friend's house and she showed me pictures of her fiance from High School.  First let me explain her fiance in the present.  He's big, tall, bald, has a bunch of tattoos, and a goatee.  I see this picture of him from High School that was scattered among a bunch of other scrapbooked images, and I kid you not, I couldn't determine which one was him.  Turns out he was the guy that looked like Dawson Leary of Capeside, Massachusetts fame standing in front of a hot rod automobile.  I was floored.  I stared at it for a while and finally started to see the similarities. 

This started what could only be deemed a nostalgic walk down high school lane.  First I saw KT's high school scrap book.  She tried to very quickly pass through a page when MG called her out and screamed "KT, HOMECOMING QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!"  I was confused.  How had I not known that KT was homecoming queen?  How had I not known that she was a cheerleader?  I asked her this incredulously, "Really?  You were a cheerleader and homecoming queen??"  MG quickly replied that every girl from a small town had been a cheerleader at some point in their lives.  Not so.  I'm from a pretty podunk town in MI and I'm pretty sure I was never a legit cheerleader.  I mean, I once choreographed a skit in my basement with a bunch of friends making fun of cheerleaders, but that's as close as it got.  (P.S. I actually videotaped it and it's pretty hilarious.) 

Anyway, thinking back to High School, I didn't particularly like the cheerleaders.  Maybe it was the fact that I was so different from them, it's hard to say.  I was friends with a candidate for homecoming queen but that was a fluke.  She was friends with everyone and she wasn't a cheerleader. 

We move onto MG's yearbook.  Holy crow...this girl was in EVERYTHING!  She had her own column in the newspaper, she was in FFA (No joke, Future Farmers of America!) Come to think of it, so was KT, but, I digress.  She was also the queen of Music Festival.  At this point I'm really starting to feel inadequate.  I wasn't ever queen of anything and here I am surrounded by royalty.

I went home and actually looked at my high school scrapbook.  I found myself smiling a lot.  I may not have been queen of anything and I certainly wasn't a cheerleader, but boy, did I have fun!  It's very clear to me that I lived in a complete and utter bubble.  I had no idea that bad things happened in high school.  If you would have told me that people drank or had sex or did drugs in high school, it would have been like telling a 3 year old there's no Santa.  I wouldn't believe you.  It went against everything I knew.  I think the reason that high school is filled with such great memories for me is that I had some pretty spectacular friends.  We may not have been going to parties or getting drunk or having sex, but we had some pretty great times, nonetheless.  It just goes to show that it doesn't matter where you are, it's all about who you're with and what you make of it. 

But still, I sure would like a crown for something...

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