
Insulin Resistant No Longer!!!!

Prepare yourself, readers.  This is going to be a post that seriously abuses and overuses exclamation points!!!  I mentioned in a previous post that I had fasting labs and would soon know if my fasting insulin rate was finally under control.  When I started on this journey, my goal was to lose 10-15% of my body weight so that it would change the way my system metabolizes insulin.  That's pretty much the only way to get my PCOS under control and have a shot at not being barren in the children department.  Forgive me for getting into boring medical crap, but I'm Indian so it's genetic and I can't help it.

A normal fasting insulin rate is from 0.0-24.9.  I was taking Metformin when I had my original labs taken.  It's a drug that's supposed to regulate your insulin production and therefore, my insulin level should have been pretty decent.  It wasn't.  It was over twice what it should be at 52.6.  At 6 weeks, when I had lost about 8% of my body weight and was off the metformin, it was at 32.8.  Today, I got my 12 week results and my levels were *drumroll, please* 18.1!!!  That's well below the normal range!  At this point, I've lost a grand total of 39.3 pounds and 16.2% of my body weight!!!

Truth be told, this week was riddled with less than optimal food choices for me.  My brother and cousins were in town for 3 days and we ate out every meal.  Not only that, I traveled to Wisconsin and indulged in key lime pie and a dessert in a shot glass.  Not my best week and I still lost 3.6 pounds.  This leads me to believe that maybe my Metabolism is starting to kick in!  I literally need only lose 9.5 more pounds and then I can start eating real food again on the regular without feeling guilty about it!

I promised ya'll that I'd post the before and after pictures once I got digital copies of them.  Sorry they're less than optimal.  I had to take a picture with my phone of the photos in the folder.  They're kind of blurry.  I don't think I look that different but maybe I've just got a warped perception of myself.  Here ya go:

Before: 4/11/10            After: 7/11/10

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