
D-Day Eve...

As I look to tomorrow and see the end of dining as a social activity, it's hard to not be terrified.  I just got back from my doctor appointment and plan to begin essentially starving myself tomorrow.

But for tonight, I plan on indulging in a meal so ridiculous, it will put most other meals I've had in the past 31 years to shame.  We'll appoint tonight's meal as "The Last Supper".  Such a momentous occasion certainly warrants using quotation marks and title caps, wouldn't you say?  If I'm going without food for the next 8 weeks, I'm going out with a bang!  So tonight, I dine on Filet Mignon, bathed in an unreasonable amount of butter.  This will be accompanied by Ruth's Chris sweet potato casserole;  A dish SO good, if it fell on the floor, I'd put money on you picking it up and eating it anyway...so as not to waste it.  Also accompanying said filet mignon will be potatoes au gratin.  All of this is followed up by a chocolate volcano explosion. 

So what to expect tomorrow?  I'll be eating every 2 hours starting at 7:30am, a grand total of 7 times.  That part wasn't a surprise.  What WAS a surprise was the fact that I'll be swallowing 39 pills a day.  Apparently, when you become anorexic, you have to take A LOT of supplements.  This is including, but not limited to Vitamin D, Calcium, Omega 3, Salt Tabs, Green tea pills, Chromium, and some weird sounding natural appetite suppressant.  (Don't worry, they're also prescribing something more powerful, i.e. speed.)

I can't even imagine how I'll survive, but at the end of all this, I should be a 4th-grader lighter and a whole heck of a lot healthier.  How can you argue with that?  Plus, I figure I can pretty much do anything for 8 weeks, right?

Here's hoping...

1 comment:

  1. I was about to get in my car to drive to your house to bitch slap you about this "700 calories a day" thing after reading your comment on my blog - and then I read your other posts. Wow, I am impressed by your strength and resolve. You can do it Arti! Looking forward to updates...
