
1 down, 55 to go...

The first 24 hours have passed and I'm happy to say that I'm alive and haven't passed out, thus far.  The first day was hard, but probably not for the reasons that you think.  Here are the top things that sucked yesterday:
  • Taking smelly giant vitamins in bulk all damn day.  First thing in the morning, I literally had to swallow 9 giant pills.  We're talking about a person who hates taking advil even when I have a pretty bad headache.  I hate taking pills.  I especially hate taking them when they smell like Satan's rectum and are the size of my thumb.
  • Eating every 2 hours.  Man, you wouldn't even believe how disruptive and annoying it is to have your alarm go off every two hours to remind you to either eat or eat and take pills.  I feel like I've barely recovered from the last episode of eating/taking pills by the time it's time to do it all over again.
  • Eating the "food" I've been given.  Literally, every single thing I ate yesterday tasted a lot like dirt, mixed with chalk, and covered by either salsa, chocolate, strawberry or vanilla.  Um, ewww.
  • Rage blackouts.  I think I was relatively good about hiding the fact that I was having violent hallucinations all day about doing bad things to people for things as simple as not using a turn signal, to cutting in front of me in line at the grocery store.  I really hope Sudhir can put up with me for the next 55 days.  He bore the brunt of it.  I was sitting there eating a bag of Soy Nuts one by one.  He asks me, "How many of those are there in the bag?"  My immediate thought was "Uh, I don't know, babe...I didn't effing count them."  Instead I just looked at him blankly for a while, hopefully expressing that I didn't feel like summoning up the energy to answer that snidely.  Then he said "Wow, they really give you a lot of them, huh?"  Now, I'm not proud of how angry this really made me.  I again stared at him blankly and said very calmly, "Ya know, I've only eaten like 400 calories so far today so it sure doesn't feel like a lot."
  • Frequent peeing.  If you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you how I'm a lot like a camel.  I can go literally an entire day without using the restroom. All of a sudden, I feel like I need to go all the time.  Probably because I have to drink so much water to down all the damn vitamins.
  • Watching TV is torture.  I tried watching a couple of my favorite shows last night.  "How I Met Your Mother" and "Lost".  There was a scene in "How I Met Your Mother" where they order a pizza and I felt like crying.  The commercials during "Lost" were a unique brand of torture as well. 
Here are the top things that didn't suck:
  • Not feeling hungry.  The food was so gross but it was like some magical food air bag that made my stomach feel really full all day long.
  • The silver lining.  I can eat all the salsa, sugar free jello and pickles that I want.  Too bad it turns out that I hate pickles.  (Oh, and bought 4 jars already...I hope Sudhir likes them.)
  • Losing 1.6 pounds in 24 hours.  If that's not progress, I don't know what is.
  • Feeling of accomplishment.  I got a prescription for speed to help with controlling my appetite, as well as an herbal appetite suppressant.  I didn't use either of them yesterday and made it through the day without a great deal of difficulty.  While there was a brief moment of wanting to dive head first into the meat at the deli while shopping for the afore mentioned pickles and jello, I perservered. 
So overall, I think I'll be alright.  Where things will get sticky is when I travel.  NYC is going to be a bit of a challenge.  Then again, maybe I should just cut myself some slack. It is afterall, only day 2...and I'm training for a marathon, not a sprint.


  1. Wow, what a journey you're on. I can already see that your sense of humor will sustain you through the next 55 days. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'll be thinking of you and sending lots of love.


  2. Woot! Glad you survived day 1. Judging from our convo earlier today, you also survived days 2-4. Well done!

    p.s. please use the phrase "Satan's rectum" more. I literally had to stop typing to laugh it out.

  3. 1.6 pounds in a DAY? Holy crap.
