
No Longer Public Enemy #1: Aarti of Aarti Party.

***Post publishing edit***
Apparently, I'm a huge jerkface.  Aarti herself posted a comment on this blog and now I feel like a total schmuck.  I said some terrible things considering I don't even know this person.  My rage blackout was probably uncalled for.  Anyway, I never watched this show before, but based on the fact that she didn't come at me with the fire of 10,000 suns, I've concluded she's a classy gal and I should probably check it out.  Anyway, I'll leave the original post below along with the comments.  Seriously, I promise I'm not a terrible person.  Ask my Maid of Honor, she said I was dramatic in her toast.  Here's your proof:
***Original Post Below***

Get to know this face, readers.  This is the face of my nemesis.  This is the face that will be punched if I ever happen to cross paths with it.  Why?  She has single handedly destroyed over 3 decades of conditioning people to say my name correctly.  For this, she must suffer.

So perhaps you don't watch the Food Network.  This monstrosity pronounces her name as though it rhymes with the word "party" spoken with a British accent.  For years, I've had to deal with the task of correcting people when they say my non-phonetically spelled name.  I'm sure that at times, one faced with such a task might feel the urge to just give up.  To just...I don't know, go with the mispronunciation of said name.  I can see that being an acceptable outcome if you're name is Trina and people keep saying "Treeena".  Both names sound appropriate to be a girl's name.  Both are relatively pretty.  However, when your name is spelled "Arti" and it's pronounced "Arthi", it is NOT okay.  Why?  Because one sounds like a skinny french dude smoking a cigarette and eating a baguette.  It's not pretty.  It's not even remotely girly sounding.

I can completely understand how someone who has never met me but only seen my name in print would think my name is prounced "Arty".  However, the shortest path to the top of my shit-list is to repeatedly mispronounce my name when you've met me a dozen times.  (At least, that's what I thought the shortest path was...)

It appears now, the shortest path to the top of my shit-list is to NOT use your celebrity to just make my life easier by telling the goddamn truth.  Your name is not pronounced to rhyme with "party" pronounced with a British accent, my friend.  Your name is the same as mine.  Maybe you should just deal with your lot in life and stop being such a lazy pants.  If you really wanted to have a clever name that rhymes, you could have used the only word that rhymes with our names in the english dictionary; "Swarthy"  It's also an adjective that describes us perfectly.

Dumb Ass.


  1. Wow. This is the Aarti you speak of... and I am stunned at your anger!

    Perhaps when I explain why I pronounce it the way I do, you might understand... whilst you're right, my name is pronounced "aarthi" back home in India... when I was growing up in Dubai, I went to a British school. All my friends and teachers called me Aarti (as in party), and at such a young age, I just shrugged my shoulders and let it go. Cut to me being 18, leaving Dubai for America, with that pronunciation firmly embedded in my identity.

    I'm sorry it bugs you so much, and makes your life SO much harder. I'm even sorrier that you'd like to punch me in the face.

    Good luck to you in all you do!


  2. Well, now I'm at a loss. First off, directed at Aarti, obviously you don't know me. Had you read some of my other blog posts, you would know that I'm prone to hyperbole (mostly because it's funnier to say I want to punch someone in the face than to say I'm mildly irritated.) I don't go around punching people in the face. Truth be told, I never even knew what you looked like until people started reverting to calling me Arty and then explained that it must be correct because it's on a show.

    I can relate to how you might have shrugged your shoulders and let it go. You're lucky though. Arty that rhymes with Party isn't nearly as horrific sounding with a British Accent. It's almost dainty and endearing. Take away the accent and it really isn't so great. I've worked really hard to get people to pronounce my name correctly.

    Obviously, I would never such harsh things if I had thought for a second that you'd read them. I retract all the bad things I said about you. Hell, I'd even give you a hug if you would just explain to your viewers the exact story you communicated in your comment. In the meantime, I do apologize if I hurt your feelings. I actually felt bad for most of the day yesterday. I'm not a terrible person, I promise.

  3. No worries hon. You are equally classy for posting a retraction!!


  4. Oh Art(h)i! You broke your celebrity hate mail cherry! I swear I got a response from Bill Rancic himself, but he was too chicken to identify himself. You have inspired me to write a bit of a retraction myself. But I refuse to write one to the rabid Dan Folgelberg fan who went berserk on me.

  5. Arti,

    Thank you for this post (I know I am EXTREMELY late on this). You expressed everything I felt. There was no need for a retraction. The hyberbole was obvious (well, except to "Ms. Party") and all the rest was exactly right.

    Aarti Party - you have the opportunity as someone with a national audience to teach people how to say our name correctly. I'm sure most of us named Aarti/Arti/Arati had our "shrug our shoulders" moments, but come on. Put on your grown-up pants and set people straight.

    Again, thanks Arti for your post. Keep fighting the good fight.
