This past weekend, Sudhir and I decided to add to our family. The newest addition is an 8 week old brown tabby who we've decided to call Kona. He's pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen in real life. For evidence, see below:
Unfortunately, the little guy has been pretty sick since we got him. He sleeps nonstop (probably because it's tiring being so cute) and he's a marathon sneezer. He sneezed so much and so hard the first night we got him, that our blanket was damp. Yes, gross. The other thing he does is shake his head wildly. Unfortunately, this is a problem because he has a runny nose. He was sitting on the coffee table and sneezed and then shook his head violently. The coffee table looked like it had been rained on. Also gross.
And the cherry on top, last night, Kona was sitting on my lap and then got up and started to walk away. As this was happening, I noticed a little white string coming out of his little booty. Turns out the kitty has tapeworms too. Awesome.
Despite all of his problems, I love him like a fat kid loves cake. Sadly, the same cannot be said of Chai. Chai was pretty pissed that there was this little furball stealing all his thunder. He refused to be in the same room with him. He hissed at him nonstop. He went on a purring strike. It was all very serious. Fast forward a couple days and all of a sudden, Chai loves Kona. I'm not sure if it's the fact that Kona's existence gives him access to Kitten Chow or what...but there's a whole lotta love. For evidence, see below:

We're taking Kona to the vet today, so hopefully all these issues can be taken care of. Stay tuned for more adventures of Kona and Chai....
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